Faceboof comes to Paris, Boulevard Soult

This post was written by admin on August 4, 2014
Posted Under: Daily Paris

A Parisian friend made me laugh when he posted a photograph of Faceboof in the 12th arrondissement (boulevard Soult). The company faceboof launched in April 2014, and not only does the logo look mighty familiar, but the old thumbs up ‘like’ has been emulated too. Face boof provides fast food such as sandwiches, hot dogs, fried chicken, hamburgers etc. Hopefully they’ll stick around as long as Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t catch wind of it. Do they have a facebook page? I’ve no idea.

faceboof, restaurant paris

It reminded me of McIndians in the English city of Leicester. All and sundry have been sued by the big fast food restaurant for going anywhere near those infamous first two letters. Maybe it was because McCurry in Malaysia won a court battle against McDonald’s, but somehow this restaurant has survived countless years, despite being refused a patent to register the mark “McIndians” in 1996.

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